
Its never about the destination. Its always about the journey.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Daughter of the most High King, Jesus Christ. His biggest fan. Married to the best human man ever created, next to Jesus that is. Generally, the most loved woman around.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

All fruitfullness flows from intimacy

My relationship with God is changing. It is changing from that of my Daddy to a lover bridegroom. Its a different perspective than I have ever seen before. He is teaching me about intimacy. "All fruitfullness flows from intimacy." And I have realized that intimacy is what I fear of the most. Its the one thing I desire the most but its the one thing I am terrified of.....being vulnerable. And yet thats the one thing that will take us into the deeper realms of the spirit. Knowing the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit to the core, the innermost parts of Himself. He is so beautiful. To be sought after like a man consumed in passion, to be ravished by a man who is completely in love with everything that defines who you are, is the very thing that every woman deeply desires. And every man deeply desires to seek after a woman with that fervor, but to understand it from a heavenly perspective is far above any human minds understanding.

Understanding that the book of Solomon was written to us the bride from the Bridegroom King. Life is lived from a different place. Intimacy is your goal. Intimacy is what you live for. Intimacy becomes the place that you minister out of, it becomes the place in which you live out of. "ALL fruitfulness flows from intimacy." Its not a sexual intimacy. Its a deep inner knowing intimacy. I don't know how to describe it.

John 15 - "Abide in me and I will abide in you...... Remain in me and I will remain in you..... Apart from me you can do NOTHING!....... I loved you even as my Father has loved you...... Remain in my love...... I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce fruit." I honestly have no idea what that looks like for a man. It has to be a bit wierd and akward but to understand that passion and intimacy coming from a passionate lover who knows you more intimately than you even know yourself. hmmm......such a thought to ponder. I'm still trying to understand this for myself as a woman having never been involved with anyone before on this level. Tis different and interesting and freeing and beautiful and exhillerating. Its where I was created live. Its who I was created to be.


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