
Its never about the destination. Its always about the journey.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Daughter of the most High King, Jesus Christ. His biggest fan. Married to the best human man ever created, next to Jesus that is. Generally, the most loved woman around.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Go! Don't Be A Couch Potato!

God is up to something!! I don't know what or how but God is up to something here in our lives. Right now there are a lot of things going on in my home. There are a lot of not very nice things here but in the midst of it all God is up to something. Right now I can't see Him in the middle of it in the natural but I know that He is up to something supernatural! There is a sturring in my spirit of what is to come. God is sturring things up in the spirit realm. Things will not be able to stay the same. You can not stay the same and survive. God is calling us to die!! Calling us to change and lay down our lives so that He may be glorified. He is calling us to loose our lives so that He may do what He wants through us. So that He may touch a dying world, a hurting and broken world through us. He is calling us to forsake oursleves and go! Go to the places that don't know Him. Go to the hurting, broken and dying. Go to your next door neighbor that is raising her child by herself. Go to the person who just lost their closest loved one. Go! Go!! Go!!! Don't continue to sit in your pew in your church and get fat! America is so fat on the Word of God and yet we are all dying! You won't be able to recieve more of God until you give what you have away! You won't be able to understand more of what you are supposed to be doing with you life until you give some of what you know away! Give, Give, Give! Give yourself away so that you may gain Him! Give yourself to Him so that you may gain Him! Go to the hurting! Go to the dying! Go the unlovely! God loves those people too. Jesus didn't die for the the ones that think they deserved it. You didn't deserve anything! It was a gift. It was the only way that you could come before God unashamedly just the way you are. Jesus loves the unlovely just as much as the lovely. The church is the one that doesn't love the unlovely! Jesus lived, slept and ate with the unlovely. The ones that didn't smell nice. The poor. The children. Go people, Go! Go out into the world and show them the love of Jesus Chirst. Not a slanted religion but a savior, a friend, a lover, a father. So the world what Jesus came here to do. Don't waist all of the suffering that Jesus did on the cross. Don't let the love that Jesus displayed on the cross sit around and not be used. It grieves the heart of God when we take what He did and sit on it. That is not what He instructed us to do and that is not what the intention of the cross. Just for a selected few. NO! It is for the world. And if you aren't sharing with others about the goodness of God in your own life then it is being wasted! Go into all the world and share the good news!!
The heart of God is the father. The face of God is Jesus. The voice of God is the Holy Spirit. The hand of God is the church! The church is you!


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