
Its never about the destination. Its always about the journey.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Daughter of the most High King, Jesus Christ. His biggest fan. Married to the best human man ever created, next to Jesus that is. Generally, the most loved woman around.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Oh America. I pray mercy and grace!

Thank you! Thank you to all who have served with our great nation and for this great nation. I pray for you daily. That God would keep you in His hands, that He would give you wisdom and direction, that He would protect you from the attacks of the enemy. Please know that America stands with you. Christian American's stand with you. No matter what kind of adversity that comes onto our nation, we will stand behind and support you. Ok so maybe I am overstepping my bounds when I say we as Americans or we as Christians.But I CAN say for me that I WILL stand behind and support you. This Christian American will stand behind you and support you. Thank you for protecting this nation. Thank you for protcecting me. Please know that you have, if there is no one else that will stand with you please know that this one American is standing, this one Christian is standing.

I pray that God has mercy on this nation. I pray that we as a nation never see God's judgement! Oh how that will be a sad day. Folks pray for Gods mercy and grace. Oh how we don't want to see Gods wrath or judgement. I thank God everyday for this nation that was founded on the Word of God. I thank God everyday for the prinicples that our Constitution stands on. If we could just get back to that foundation, if we could just get back to that simplicity America would have a good chance of getting out of this thing alive. Folks its all about God's agenda not ours. Its all about what we can do for Him, not what He can do for us. Its all about surrendering our lives to His will. When that happens there is so muchcontentment and peace and joy. and But if we go and do our own thing apart from Him we will fail miserably. Instead of contentment there will dissruption. Instead of peace there will be chaos. Instead of joy there will be sorrow. Repent! God is calling us back to His heart. He is longing for His bride to be with Him. He is coming back soon, very soon. Are we ready? Are we ready to face Him, our bride groom, King? All we have to do is ask for His mercy and forgiveness. He wants to extend it to you. He longs to have you close to His heart. He is longing to carress your cheecks. He is longing to wisper in your ear how much He absolutely adores you. Will you respond to that cry? Will you turn from your wickedness and cry out for His mercy and forgivness? There is no time to waist. Do it now. We are not guarenteed to live tomorrow. We aren't even guarenteed today. Cry out for His mercy and forgivness before its too late. He said, "whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." --Matthew 21:22 Ask. He wants to give it to you!!!

If you have any questions please feel free to write to me and leave a comment. I would love to talk to you more if you have questions. This a very urgent cry from the heart of God. Please don't ignore this. It may cost you everything.


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