
Its never about the destination. Its always about the journey.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Daughter of the most High King, Jesus Christ. His biggest fan. Married to the best human man ever created, next to Jesus that is. Generally, the most loved woman around.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Magnitude of A Life!

Have you ever thought about the magnitude of your life? I never really did until recently. There has been so much going on in my head about the future and the things that are banging my door down (in my mind) that I have had to reasess some things. The magnitude of my life? What is it all worth?
I had a man who is in a very infuencial postion in my life right now tell me that I must be really important to God because God had him praying for me a lot. What a humbling thought. What is really interesting is that I have been told in many different ways that I was important to God or that God had a great plan and purpose for my life, over and over again. But it never hit me until just then, when he said that to me.
Then the question comes up, "Well why am I so important to God?" There are many different answers to that question that any one person could come up with. Honestly I will never know the full answer until my time on earth is done but the one answer that has been churning in my Spirit since this morning when he told me that has been this. There is somthing about me, there is something about the way I love Him, something about the way I worship Him, something about the way I look at Him that He adores. No one else could love Him the way I love Him. No one else could worship Him the way I worship Him. No one else could look at Him the way I look at Him. I capture my Fathers heart every moment of every day! He is captiviated by me! The opposite as just as true. I am captiviated by Him! My world is wrapped around Him! My world is Him! He loves me like no one else loves me. He looks at me like no one else looks at me. He holds me like no one else holds me. Why would I go anywhere else? Why would I want to run? Give me one good reason to and I will give you five reasons to stay.
What is the magnitude of your life in God's eyes? If you can for just a moment, get out of your mind set and attempt to look at things from God's perspective. Look at your life, your mind, your body, your world, your situation, your circumstances, your heart from God's perspective! You will be amazed at what you see! Just try it. I double dog dare you!


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