
Its never about the destination. Its always about the journey.

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Location: New Mexico, United States

Daughter of the most High King, Jesus Christ. His biggest fan. Married to the best human man ever created, next to Jesus that is. Generally, the most loved woman around.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Some thoughts.....Rethunk.

I appologize for such a long delay in my writing on here. Things have been really insane. I have moved and been doing a lot of little road trips, working like crazy and trying to stay in touch with God all at the same time. Its been fun.
I have been thinking about a lot of things lately. Some very intersting things. Nothing too spectacular but very life altering.
As many of you know, I have been going through a lot over the past few months. More than some, and less than others. I consider my self a very very blessed individual dispite the circumstances. God has done a lot in and through me over the past year or so and brought me out of some very intersting and trying times. Over the past few weeks I have had a lot of time to imagine, to ponder, and to think my life and the various circumstances over. I have yet to come to any clear conclusion (if that is even possible), but I have been able to asess some things and tons of revelation has come as a result.
What is the weight of each descision? Are there some less meaningful than others? How will each descision make an impact on the future? In exhaustable times what do you do? When you seem to be "between a rock and a hard place"? Why do things have to be so hard? What is it not to completely depend on Holy Spirit for absolutely everything?
Those are some of the questions I have been asking myself, wondering how the rest of the world opperates and handles lifes situations. I was recently talking to a friend and we were discusing some of the issues that have been going on in my family and I said, "Everyone rides a horse through life. On that ride, everyone goes through the same rain, snow, sunshine, hail, blizzard, river, forest, pasture, mountains, and medow. Everyone goes through the same elements, some come at different angles but they are the same." She went on and finished my alligory by saying, "Its now what you ride but how well you ride it." Basically, its not what circumstances you go through its how well you go through them. Thats what sets you apart. What are you going to do with the situations at present? How are you going to handle things? Life isn't easy. Life doesn't let up. You are here for the amount of time God has down in his timeline. What are you going to do with what has been given you? With the alotted time given to you, what are you going to make of that? Its your choice. Not anyone elses.
You know not everyone goes through honkey dory times all the time. Not everyone has sunshine and smiles all the time. Not everyone has that "perfect" life (whatever that is). (By the way if you do please drop a comment. I would love to talk to you.) We cannot control what happens to us. But what we can control is how we handle what happens to us and then what we do with that. Bill Johnson once said, "You only have this one opportunity to give God glory in this situation, because when you get to heaven, things will be perfect. This is a one time offer to be able to give God glory here on earth that we won't be able to in heaven." If we keep life in that perspective, things get real good real quick. Because then we have gotten out focus off of the enemy and giving him glory by concentrating on the problem, and on to the King of kings, the Big Daddy, the Savior of the universe, the Dad that loves to hold and cuddle and caress and keep safe. So ultimately that defeats the enemy all over again and my Father gets the honor again and I become victorious! I don't know about you but I like to be the winner. I like to make my Daddy proud. I like to please my Dad.
The simple conclusion to all of that is this, I am purposing in my heart to no longer focus on my problem. I am focusing on my solution. "Set your mind on the things above, not on the things of this world."
I have more insightful revelations stuck up in that head of mine. I will attempt to get more of them out for the world to see! :) You guys are awesome. I am very very honored to have you guys hang around my space and keep up to date with me. You guys rock! Thanks for all of your support and prayers. It really means a lot to me.